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Minggu ka-3 Pébruari

Lokasi TBD 

Las Vegas keur dianggap ayeuna ...

Kami bakal ngumumkeun lokasi kami pas dikonfirmasi!

Taun perdana! Sadaya Delegasi bakal bersaing pikeun Judul Nasional 2024


Minggu ka-3 Pébruari

Lokasi TBD

Delegasi Lokal 2024 bakal bersaing pikeun Judul Nasional 2025

Final bakal dilaksanakeun sateuacan Kontes Internasional


Minggu ka-3 Pébruari

Lokasi TBD

2024 Delegasi Nasional bakal bersaing pikeun 2025 Judul Internasional

Sadaya Delegasi sareng Titleholders Anyar diondang pikeun ngahadiran acara ieu sabab urang sadayana bakal aya di lokasi anu sami!


Delegasi bakal bersaing di daérah kompetisi di handap ieu


Delegasi bakal ngalengkepan wawancara 3 menit kalayan vetted, hakim dipilih leungeun.

PERSENT Score sakabéh:


Ngojay atawa Kabugaran maké

Unggal divisi bakal bersaing di wewengkon ditunjuk boh swimwear atawa fitnesswear.

Baju kabugaran:

(Kanggo Bu & Bapak)

Saeutik, Junior, PraTeen

Baju renang:

(Kanggo Bu & Bapak)

Rumaja, Cik, Tuan, Ny

Pilihan pilihan pikeun Swim atanapi Fitnesswear:

(Kanggo Bu & Bapak)

Awéwé, Pak, Élit, Awéwé Elit, Trans, Tambih Deui, Pasangan

PERSENT Score sakabéh:

Gaun malem atanapi nganggo Formal

Sadaya delegasi bakal bersaing di panggung dina Gaun Petang. Pakéan formal di panggung pikeun kategori Mr & Royal Couple.

PERSENT Score sakabéh:

Dina Panggung Soal

Top 5 dina unggal kategori bakal gaduh 60 detik pikeun ngajawab patarosan di panggung salaku wewengkon final kompetisi.

PERSENT Score sakabéh:


Delegasi bakal ngalengkepan dina wawancara gaya panel jeung vetted, leungeun dipilih hakim.

Waktos: 4 menit

PERSENT Score sakabéh:


Ngojay atawa Kabugaran maké

Unggal divisi bakal bersaing di wewengkon ditunjuk boh swimwear atawa fitnesswear.

Baju kabugaran:

Divisi rumaja jeung handap

Baju renang:

Cik & Bpk.

Pilihan opsional boh Ngojay atanapi Pakéan kabugaran:

Kabéh divisi séjén

PERSENT Score sakabéh:


Gaun malem atanapi nganggo Formal

Kabéh delegasi bakal bersaing di panggung dina Gaun Petang atawa maké Formal.

PERSENT Score sakabéh:


Dina Panggung Soal

Top 5 dina unggal kategori bakal gaduh 60 detik pikeun ngajawab patarosan di panggung salaku wewengkon final kompetisi.

PERSENT Score sakabéh:


Skor saméméhna dileungitkeun.


This aréa ieu ngawengku kualitas sarta kala sadaya paperwork, komunikasi jeung honoring deadlines.

PERSENT Score sakabéh:



Tinjauan lengkep sareng teuleum jero kana ayana média sosial, kualitas eusi, papacangan, gambar sadayana & branding.

PERSENT Score sakabéh:



Unggal Delegasi bakal gaduh 90 detik pikeun nampilkeun platformna sareng kumaha éta nyayogikeun a dampak positif pikeun dunya.

PERSENT Score sakabéh:



Poin bakal dikurangan pikeun ieu:

1. Ngalangkungan tepat waktu (tenggang waktu 5 detik pikeun ngabéréskeun kalimah pikeun Wawancara & Soal Dina Panggung wungkul)

2. Telat datangna ka wewengkon pasanggiri

3. Teu ngajawab pananya

4. Teu pantes atanapi paripolah anu nyinggung

Tingali Buku Panduan Delegasi kanggo inpormasi tambahan.


Fashion Model Dress, Woman Dance in Long Gown, Waving Golden Silk Fabric, Beautiful Girl o


Pilihan Jalma



Modél Taun


Palayanan Masyarakat

Panyatur Umum




Pantun Senang

Buka A (18-35)

Buka B (36-65)

sareng seueur deui...

The following list describes what would make someone ineligible to participate in the competition as a Delegate. Integrity is one of our 5 pillars and by implementing these policies, we are creating a fair environment and reducing the potential for possible situations where there is  conflict of interest. We have other positions available to be involved with UUP. Please contact us to know more.

  1. Immediate family members of UUP Staff at State, National or International Level

  2. Immediate family member or colleague of a Judge.

  3. Staff Member of UUP

  4. Any individual that is currently or has been involved in the sex industry within the last 2 years

If there is a working relationship that has ended or after 12 months (1 year) has lapsed, you are now eligible to apply to compete as a Delegate again.

  1. Local, Regional, State and National Competitions: Delegates are able to compete as many times as they would like (with a different title each time) until they reach the International Competition. Delegates are not able to compete with the same title multiple years in a row, regardless of what level of competition.

  2. The International Competition is a  ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity! A delegate may only compete on the International Stage one time in their life, in one particular category. A delegate may compete in other categories. (i.e. 1x Teen, 1x Miss, 1x Mrs)

  3. Sponsors are NOT allowed to be Judges or place Judges on the Judging panel*

  4. Directors, Staff, Staff or Delegate family members and close friends of Staff or Delegates are not allowed to be Judges.

  5. Any Sponsor Event or Sponsor Optional will function entirely on its own and will not impact Judging in Main Categories.

  6. Any Sponsor Event or Sponsor Optional will have a set of Judges different from the other Optional Categories.

  7. Optional Categories will have their own set of Judges.

  8. Main Categories will have 3 sets of Judges; 1 set for Interview, 1 set for on-stage areas of competition, 1 set for virtual and online areas of competition (i.e. professionalism and social media).

*If a Sponsor has an optional category or an additional event they are in charge of managing they are responsible for their own Judge Selection  (i.e. a modeling agency is looking to select a winner for a modeling contract)

UUP United Universe Productions International Pageant Organization
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